Wednesday 2 October 2002     Day 4 of The Outback Rally

Vili's Pie Lunch in Burra, View MacArthur's plaque in Terowie
Fundraising dinner and Not-so-talent Quest in the Peterborough Town Hall

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Rob Trembath, Rally Director
with "Rob's Rules" wheel of
fortune before giving us
our daily instructions.

Wade Hawker's car
'Fails to proceed' until he
repairs the distributor
Lunch time at Burra

One of our Major Sponsors
Vili's mobile Pie van (Lunch)

A few competitors broadening
their acres

We attend an abandoned Copper mine at Burra

Abandoned Copper mine at Burra
Abandoned Copper mine at Burra
Redruth Gaol 1856 showing some of the hardships endured by inmates

Redruth Gaol

Box showing the fittings Horsepower? No. Treepower.
In the Historic town of Terowie.
Where Gen. Douglas MacArthur
made his memorable speech.
"I came through and I shall return"
on March 20, 1942.

Peterborough High School's
Solar powered car under
construction for 2003 Rally

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